What i
Do !

Brand Marketing

Strategic planning

project-management Strategies

Portfolio Architecture

Hourly Rates:

Freelancers: $50-$150 per hour
Agencies: $100-$250 per hour
Project-Based Fees:

Freelancers: $100-$1,000
Agencies: $2,500-$10,000+
Monthly Retainers:

Small businesses: $1,500-$3,000 per month
Medium businesses: $3,000-$7,500 per month
Enterprise businesses: $7,500+ per month
Factors That Affect Pricing:

The size and complexity of your website
Your industry and competition
Your target keywords and goals
The experience and expertise of the SEO provider
Here are some additional tips for getting the best price on your SEO project:


Be clear about your budget and expectations.
Ask for a detailed proposal that outlines the services you will receive.
Don’t be afraid to negotiate.
I hope this information gives you a better understanding of how SEO project pricing works

Digital Experience

Determining the pricing for an SEO project can be tricky, as it depends on a variety of factors.